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Developer-First Products

Awesome Developer-First Awesome

A curated list of awesome developer-first products.
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The definition of developer-first for this repo is: * Developers are the target audience. * "Headless", "API-first", "SaaS" are frequently used keywords. * Usually, this means that the front page has some code examples. * Products - tools/services that people pay for.

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Track web/app visitors. * Baremetrics - Subscription analytics for Stripe. * Heap - Product analytics API for web and mobile, captures all events. * Mixpanel - Product analytics and dashboards. * Pirsch - Privacy-friendly web analytics with a backend integration and API. * Plausible - Simple, privacy-friendly, and open-source web analytics tool. Plausible * * PoeticMetric - Privacy-first, regulation-compliant, blazingly fast analytics tool. * PostHog - Open-source product analytics platform. PostHog * Segment - Collect user data and send it to your other tools. * Tinybird - Real-time data streams to APIs.

Authentication & Identity

Products that handle authentication and user identity for you. * Aserto - Cloud-native authorization for applications and APIs. * Auth0 - Authentication & authorization as a service. * AWS cognito - AWS's authentication as a service. * BoxyHQ Enterprise SSO - Open-source API for enterprise SSO and Directory Sync. * Clerk - Authentication and user management platform for React, React Native, and Next.js. * Corbado - Passkey-first authentication as a service. * Firebase Auth - Google Firebase's take on authentication. * FusionAuth - Security-centric authentication as a Service, including self-hosting. * Hanko - Passwordless (WebAuthn API) PSD2, eIDAS, and GDPR compliant. Hanko * Kinde - Authentification and user management as a service. * LoginRadius - Managed user authentication service with SSO. * - Passwordless (email-based) log in as a service. * Okta - Embeddable authentication with SSO. * Ory - Open-source identity & access-control solutions (also available as a service). * Oso - Authorization framework (RBAC). * - Permissions and access-control as a service. * SuperTokens - Open-source and hosted email & Oauth authentication with prebuilt UI. SuperTokens * Userfront - Simplistic user authentication with pre-built back-office dashboard. * WorkOS - Enterprise SSO and more out-of-the-box enterprise features.


Automate workflows via APIs and SDKs. * Abstra - Python-based workflow engine for custom business processes. Abstra * n8n - Free and source-available fair-code licensed workflow automation tool. n8n * - Open-source platform to create workflows from APIs, on a schedule or on demand.


Abstract away all the backend hassles with an out-of-the-box suite of backend solutions. * Appwrite - End-to-end backend server for frontend and mobile developers. Appwrite * Supabase - Hosted and open source managed Postgres DB like Firebase. Supabase


Continuous Integration/Delivery. * CircleCI - YML to configure your builds, parallel jobs, jobs marketplace. * Depot - Drop-in replacement to build Docker images faster in CI. * GitLab - Open-source CI and hosted solution with Github-like abilities. * Gitpod - Automated cloud dev environments. Gitpod * Spacelift - CI/CD platform for infrastructure-as-code, currently supporting Terraform, Pulumi, AWS CloudFormation, and Kubernetes.

CMS (headless)

  • ElegantCMS - Headless CMS builder.
  • Ghost - Blog platform, can be used as headless CMS (ex. with Hexo). Ghost
  • Strapi - Open-source headless CMS, 100% JavaScript. Strapi

Code Quality

Check your code quality. * Codacy - Automatic code quality checks. * Sonar - Lint and code quality checks.

Computer Vision

Manipulate and detect visual data. * Clarifai - Set of computer vision APIs. * CloudSight - Digital media brand recognition. * Google Vision AI - Google's AI vision APIs. * Roboflow - Simplified computer vision model creation for developers.

Databases & Spreadsheets

Storing data and processing it. * Airtable - Database and spreadsheet hybrid with an API. * Apitable - API-oritented Airtable alternative. * CrateDB - Distributed open-source SQL database for real-time analytics. Crate * Neuledge - Abstract ORM with a universal schema language for any kind of database. * PlanetScale - Hosted managed MySQL database, CI integration & auto scaling. * Upstash - Serverless tailored redis provider.


Tools that help in tracking bugs. * Lightrun - Debug production servers using a plugin in the IDE (on-prem or SaaS) that supports Java, Node.js, and Python. * Linear - Issue tracking built for developers. * Rookout - Debug production servers via a cloud-based debugger. Supporting Java, .Net, Node.js, Python, and Ruby.

Deployment Hosting

Products that help you deploy your app/website. * Adaptable - Deploy apps and DBs via common templates. * - Full stack app hosting (including dynamo db and s3). * DeployBot - REST API to trigger deployments from GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. * Digital Ocean App Platform - Deploy and don't care about infrastructure, works with all major frameworks. * - Deploy dockerized full stack apps via a location-aware service (latency reduction). * Heroku - Deploy via CLI to scalable servers. * Kinsta - Deploy static sites, apps, and databases from GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket and host headless WordPress. * Koyeb - Serverless platform for deploying full-stack apps and APIs in minutes. * Netlify - Deploy JAMStack (mainly Gatsby) via CLI. * - Continuously deploy full-stack apps. * Qoddi - Git connected app hosting platform. * Quix - One tool to build and run event streaming applications. * Railway - Out-of-the-box git to deployment with auto scaling, DBs, secrets and rollbacks. * Render - Deploy from git to a CDN with SSL. * Vercel - Cloud platform for building and deploying serverless web applications, static websites, and Jamstack (mainly Next.js) projects. * Zeabur - One click deployment for frontend, backend and databases services.


Comments and forums. * Bazaarvoice - Ratings, reviews as a service. * Commento - Privacy centric embeddable comment system. * MuutIo - Tools to create a community-driven app. * Yotpo - Reviews ratings and Q&A as a service.


Documentation solutions. * Apidog - All-in-one API documentation tool, 1-click to generate API documentation from requests. * - API documentation and change management solution. * DeveloperHub - Collaborative developer documentation platform. * Mintlify - AI powered code documentation, IDE extension (open source). Mintlify * ReadMe - Personalized and dynamic developer docs. * Swimm - Docs that are coupled with your code, auto-synced, works with your IDE.

Environment & Secret Management

Manage environment variables and secrets for multiple apps or projects. * 1Password Secrets Automation - Secrets management with integration to 1Password. * Doppler - Environment variable management across projects, in one place. * Envkey - Environment management with syncing mechanism for all apps. * Ubiq - Encryption APIs wiht secret management. * Vault - API driven secret key management.

Feature Flags

Control production features with conditional flags in your code. * Flagsmith - Feature flags-as-a-service platform simplified. * GrowthBook - Open-source feature flag and experimentation platform. GrowthBook * LaunchDarkly - Feature flags-as-a-service platform. * Split - Feature flags platform with data analytics. * Unleash - Open-source, privacy-first, and enterprise-ready feature management solution. Unleash


Location services. * Mapbox - Maps and locations products for devs. * OpenCage - Forward and reverse geocoding API based on open data. * PlaceKit - Locations search API. * Radar - Geofencing and geo APIs. * SmartyStreets - US Reverse Geocoding and Address Verification APIs.


Products that extend your IDE and help development. * Codota - AI code completions for your IDE. * TabNine - Deep learning completion (part of codota). * Fine - Build Software with AI Agents. * Kite - AI assistant in your IDE (Python or JS).

Infrastructure as Code

Declare your infrastructure and reproducibly provision cloud infrastrucure from it. * Pulumi - Developer-first IaC with Python, TypeScript, Go and more languages... * Terraform - DSL, open-source and free (paid solution adds team management, policy-as-code...). Terraform


Integration management systems or products that ease integration development. * Apideck - Integration marketplace builder, one-API with 3rd parties for quick development. * Panora - Easy, flexible API to add customer-facing integrations to your SaaS product. Panora * Revert - Open-source unified API to build B2B product integrations. Revert * Sequin - Interface with third-party services using SQL. * Vessel - Developer-first, native integration platform for GTM tools. * YepCode - Build and run serverless functions with the best development experience.


Translating your product (also denoted i18n). * Localazy - App translation built for developers. * Tolgee - Developer & translator friendly web-based localization platform.


Sending emails as a service. * Anymail finder - Verify and find email APIs. * FormSpree - Receive form submissions by email. * - Email lead and validation APIs. * Imitate Email - End-to-end email testing tool. * Lob - Email and address verification. * Loops - REST API to manage contact properties, send events and transactional emails. * Mailgun - Send, track, and receive emails. * Resend - Email API to build, test, and deliver transactional emails. * Sendgrid - Email API.


Media APIs (optimization, CDN). * - APIs to generate images and PDFs from reusable templates. * Cloudinary - Optimize, create, manage, and deliver images and videos. * Dyte - Build powerful live experiences in your product with an all-in-one Video SDK. * Flatfile - Programmatically import data from files so it's API-ready. * ImageKit - Automate image optimization, transformation, and delivery. * imgix - Transforms, optimizes, and cache images. * Mux - APIs to upload, manage, and stream video. * Pintura - A fully configurable JavaScript image editor SDK.


Messaging APIs - SMS, notifications, chats, and VoIP. * Ably - Pub/sub, real-time messaging, notifications, chat, multiplayer and data synchronization. * Applozic - Chat SDKs, real-time messaging. * Knock - Notifications as a service. * MagicBell - Real-time notification system with API & UI components. * Novu - Open-source notification (Email, SMS, Direct, and Push) management. Novu * Stream - Feed and chat as a service. * Twilio - SMS, push notifications, and VoIP APIs. * Vonage - Video, SMS, chat, and voice APIs.


Different products that probably don't have a category. * Actyx - Developer-first factory building. * Defer - Serverless Node.js background jobs. * Interval - SDK to build internal tools and scripts for your product. * ngrok - Generate public URLs for internal servers (behind NAT/firewall). * Nylas - APIs for productivity workflows (email, calendar, contacts...) - like plaid for productivity. * Plain - API-first customer service platform (support, feedback, rating widgets...). * Volta - Fast, elegant GitHub desktop and web app.


Monitoring your production application. * Airbrake - Error monitoring in production. * Better Stack - Uptime monitoring, incident management, and status pages. * - Full-stack monitoring platform. * KeenIO - Event streaming platform. * LogRocket - Replay bugs users had. * Rollbar - Reports errors in production. * Sentry - Application monitoring for bugs and performance.

Natural Language Processing

Interactions with natural language. * CometLLM - UI to log, visualize, and search prompts, prompt templates, prompt variables, and chains. Comet * DialogFlow - Voice/text chatbot framework by Google.


Orchestration tools for (micro) services. * Abstra - Python-based workflow engine for custom business processes. Abstra * AWS Step Functions - Visual workflow service to build distributed applications and automate processes * Camunda- Platform - Workflow engine that delivers scalable, on-demand process automation.

Payments & Pricing

Handling payments, credit card processing, and invoices. * Braintree - Paypal's take on API-first payments. * Increase - Bare-metal banking APIs. * LemonSqueezy - SaaS payments - covers more countries and takes care of VAT Tax. * OpenMeter - Open-source usage metering for billing and chargeback. * Paddle - Revenue delivery platform for SaaS with broad geographical support (unlike stripe at the moment). * Plaid - Accept, send ACH (bank transfers) and get bank information. * Stigg - API-first pricing plans. * Stripe Payments - Accept payments and move money globally with APIs.


Repository and artifacts management. * Artifactory - Create your own package repository. * Cloudsmith - Cloud-native private package management.

Reports Generation

Generating reports, mainly PDFs. * Carbone - JSON into PDF, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, ODS... API. * DocRaptor - HTML to PDF API built specifically for Paged Media using the Prince PDF library. * Export SDK - PDF generator API with visual template editor. * Image-Charts - Chart as Image API for reports, PDFs and more. * PDFBlade - HTML to PDF API usage based pricing.


Fetching data from websites not via an intended API. * Apify - Turn websites to an API. * browserless - Browser automation deployed to the could. browserless * Crawlbase - Scrape hard-to-scrape websites with proxies. * ScrapingANT - Scrape with headless chrome. * ScrapingBee - Using headless browsers and proxies to scrape without being blocked. * SearchApi - Real-time Google SERP API. * SerpApi - Real-time search engine scraping API.

  • Algolia - Search as a service and full suite of search APIs.
  • Meilisearch - Open-source, fast and relevant search engine. Meilisearch
  • Swiftype - Search as a service (crawlers and React ready).
  • Typesense Cloud - Open-source and hosted search as a Service. Typesense
  • Websolr - Open-source and hosted search with Solr.


Products that secure your codebase. * Bearer - Static application security testing (SAST) tool for JavaScript and Ruby stacks. * GitGuardian - Real-time GitHub activity scanner. * Infisical - Open-source, end-to-end encrypted secrets manager. Infisical * Snyk - Vulnerability scanner for code, dependencies, containers, and infrastructure as code. * Socket - Detect and block open-source supply chain attacks.


Creating and handling the shipment of goods. * EasyPost - Shipping APIs for e-commerce.


Testing tools. * Apidog - GUI tool for API mocking, testing (scenario testing, functional testing, performance testing, etc.). * Applitools - Automated visual testing. * Beeceptor - REST API mocking. * - Performance testing. * Chromatic - Visual UI testing for storybook. * Ddosify - Distributed Performance Testing Platform. * Firecamp - DX first open-source API dev tool alternative to Postman. Firecamp * Loadmill - Generate tests from user behavior. * Octomind - Auto-generated, run and maintained Playwright UI tests with AI-assisted test case discovery. * Percy - Continuous visual testing. * Testim - Frontend testing.


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