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Maintenance Modules

maintenance-modules Awesome


There is no code in this module, the only thing is this README file.

This is a list of modules that are useful for maintaining or developing modules (in no particular order).

fixpack by henrikjoreteg

A package.json file scrubber for the truly insane. Cleans up your package.json in a deterministic way to ensure high quality, handcrafted, artisinal JSON.

npm i fixpack --save-dev

standard by feross

JavaScript standard style checker/linter. No options allowed! Uses non-configurable opinionated settings to minimize bikeshedding. Never give style feedback on a pull request again!

npm i standard --save-dev

dependency-check by maxogden

Checks which modules you have used in your code and then makes sure they are listed as dependencies in your package.json (or vice versa).

npm i dependency-check --save-dev

create-module by finnp

Helper tool for the usual steps to create a module. Creates empty github repo, generates module boilerplate, runs npm init, does first commit + push, etc.

npm i create-module --save-dev

travisjs by finnp

A command line module for travis, especially targeted for managing tests for node modules. Helps you quickly add a travis hook + generate a travis badge for your readme.

npm i travisjs --save-dev

gh-pages-deploy by meandave

Deploy to gh-pages with one command. Lets you add static build settings into your package.json and then automatically build, deploy and push to gh-pages from master using this module.

npm i gh-pages-deploy --save-dev

npm-release by phuu

Tiny tool for releasing npm modules. Bumps, commits, tags, pushes and publishes.

npm i npm-release --save-dev

npm-check-updates by tjunnone

Find newer versions of dependencies than what your package.json allows.

npm i npm-check-updates --save-dev

npe by zeke

Node Package Editor: a CLI for one-off inspection and editing of properties in package.json files. Lets you avoid having to hand-edit JSON.

npm i npe -g

package-json-to-readme by zeke

Generate a from package.json contents. With npm modules, lots of info can be gleaned from properties in the package.json file: name, description, scripts.test, preferGlobal, etc. That's why package-json-to-readme exists. Use it to generate a decent boilerplate README, then iterate from there.

npm i package-json-to-readme -g

npmwd by zeke

Open the npm package URL in your browser that matches your shell's current working directory.

npm i npmwd -g

foundry by twolfson

Release manager for npm, bower, component, PyPI, git tags, and any plugin you can write. Publish to multiple package repositories at once.

npm i foundry --save-dev

semantic-release by boennemann

Fully automate your package's releases. This will determine not only which version to release, but also when – all without you having to care about it ever again. The goal of this package is to remove humans from version numbers and releases. Check out the readme for more info!

npm i semantic-release --save-dev

collaborator by maxogden

Easily add new collaborators to your github repos + npm packages from the CLI, and then generate a file with the newly updated list of collaborators. Use this to add new maintainers to your projects.

npm i collaborator -g

gasket by mafintosh

Preconfigured pipelines for node.js. A more powerful version of npm scripts, but less frameworky than gulp or grunt. Useful for when you might use Makefiles or bash scripts but want your pipelines to be cross platform.

npm i gasket --save-dev

module-init by ngoldman

Command-line tool to quickly create a new node module with readme, license, contributing guidelines, and other goodies.

npm i module-init -g

gh-release by ngoldman

Create a release for a node package on GitHub. Uses the Github Releases API to create a new release. Defaults to using information from package.json and

npm i gh-release -g

XO by sindresorhus

JavaScript happiness style linter. Enforce strict code style. No decision-making. No config. It just works!

npm i xo -g

np by sindresorhus

A better npm publish. Runs your tests before publishing, bumps version, pushes git commits/tags, and more.

npm i np -g

maintenance bash scripts

alias patch='pre-version && npm version patch && post-version'
alias minor='pre-version && npm version minor && post-version'
alias major='pre-version && npm version major && post-version'
alias pre-version='git diff --exit-code && npm prune && npm install -q && npm test'
alias post-version='npm run --if-present build && git diff --exit-code && git push && git push --tags && npm publish'