Awesome Slim
A curated list of awesome Slim framework packages and resources.
Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs.
- User Guide - The official documentation for Slim Framework.
- Stack Overflow - Slim Framework questions over Stack Overflow.
- Discussion Forum - The official Slim Framework discussion forum.
- Slim 4 - GraphQL - Creating a modern HTTP APIs usig GraphQL.
- Slim 4 - ReactPHP - Slim in combination with ReactPHP for the performance boost.
- Slim 4 MVC Skeleton - This is a simple web application skeleton project.
- Slim 4 Skeleton - Web application skeleton that uses the PHP-DI, Nyholm PSR7 and Twig.
- Slim 4 Skeleton - This is a skeleton to quickly set up a new Slim 4 application.
- Slim Skeleton - The official Slim Framework 4 Skeleton Application.
- Slim 4 Starter - An opinionated Slim 4 starter template for the small-to-medium PHP applications.
- Slim Basic Auth - PSR-7 and PSR-15 HTTP Basic Authentication Middleware.
- Slim CSRF - Slim Framework CSRF protection middleware.
- Slim HTTP Cache - Slim Framework HTTP cache middleware and service provider.
- Slim JWT Auth - PSR-7 and PSR-15 JWT Authentication Middleware.
- Slim Minify - Slim middleware to minify HTML output generated by the slim.
- Slim Session - A very simple session middleware for Slim Framework.
- Slim Whoops - PHP whoops error on slim framework.
- Slim Twig View - Slim Framework view helper built on top of the Twig templating component.
- Slim Plates - Render your Slim application views using Plates template engine.
- Slim PHP View - This is a renderer for rendering PHP view scripts into a PSR-7 Response object.
- Pest Slim Plugin - The Slim Plugin for Pest gives your basic functionality for testing.
- Slim Test - Slim Framework test helper built on top of the PHPUnit test framework.
- BasePath - Base path detector for Slim 4.
- PHP-DI Slim Bridge - PHP-DI integration with the Slim framework.
- Slim Config - A file configuration loader that supports PHP, INI, XML, JSON, and YML files.
- Slim Console - Slim Framework Console.
- Slim Flash - Slim Framework flash messages service provider.
- Slim JSON API - Slim extension to implement fast JSON API's.
- Slim Validation - A validation library for the Slim Framework.
- IntelliJ Slim - Provides boilerplate codes for easier new project creation using skeleton.
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