The most up to date curated list of [Quarto®](https://quarto.org) docs, talks, tools, examples & articles the internet has to offer.
[Quarto®](https://quarto.org) is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on [Pandoc](https://github.com/mcanouil/awesome-quarto/blob/master/[Pandoc](https://pandoc.org/)).
Contributions of any kind are welcome, just follow the guidelines by either:
- Filling a suggestion issue (easier).
- Opening a pull request.
Official documentation & quickstarts¶
- Documentation: Quarto documentation - Official Quarto Documentation.
- GitHub: Quarto GitHub repository - Official Quarto GitHub repository.
- Tutorial: Hello, Quarto - Official "Hello, Quarto" tutorial.
- Tutorial: Computations - Official "Computations" tutorial.
- Tutorial: Authoring - Official "Authoring" tutorial.
- Service: Quarto Pub - Create documents, websites, presentations, books, and blogs in Quarto, then securely publish them to the web with the Quarto CLI, the easiest way to publish and share on the web.
Tutorials & workshops¶
- Tutorial: The ultimate guide to starting a Quarto blog - An in-depth guide on how to start blogging with Quarto.
- Tutorial: Creating a blog with Quarto in 10 steps - A blog post introducing a new Quarto blog and the steps to create your own blog with Quarto.
- Tutorial: Making shareable docs with Quarto - A tutorial to make website with Quarto.
- Workshop: From R Markdown to Quarto - A workshop for those who want to take their R Markdown skills and expertise and apply them in Quarto, the next generation of R Markdown.
- Workshop: Getting started with Quarto - "Get started with Quarto" workshop materials for rstudio::conf(2022).
- Workshop: Quarto, a library to run them all? - Workshop at RSECon'22, led by Carlos Cámara, James Tripp and Cagatay Turkay (materials: https://github.com/WarwickCIM/quarto-workshop).
- Tutorial: Creating your personal website using Quarto - A step-by-step guide for setting up a personal website using Quarto by Samantha Csik.
- Tutorial: Customizing Quarto Websites - Make your website stand out using SASS & CSS - Slides by Samantha Csik about using SASS and CSS to customise HTML Quarto website (materials: https://github.com/UCSB-MEDS/customizing-quarto-websites).
- Workshop: Quartaki — 6 hour introduction to Quarto - Using R and RStudio by Athanasia Mo Mowinckel covering basic markdown, html reports, citation & cross-refs, pdf and journal templates and Reveal.js presentations.
- Workshop: Mi primer blog con Quarto - A workshop in Spanish by Pedro J. Pérez to create a blog with Quarto (materials: https://github.com/perezp44/taller.primer.blog).
- Tutorial: Creating Quarto Journal Article Templates - An in-depth blog post detailing the process for converting journal LaTeX templates into Quarto templates.
- Tutorial: Personal Website using Jupyter Notebook and Quarto - A Python-oriented step-by-step tutorial on how to create a website using Quarto.
- Tutorial: Create Your Website with Quarto - A tutorial on how to create a website using Quarto by Marvin Schmitt.
- Tutorial: Publish a Quarto website with Netlify - A comprehensive blog post walking through how to create a Quarto website, connect it to GitHub, deploy & publish it with Netlify by Jadey Ryan.
- Workshop: Parameterized Reports with Quarto - A 2-hour code-along workshop to learn parameterized reporting with
to generate multiple format outputs (materials: https://github.com/jadeynryan/parameterized-quarto-workshop). - Tutorials: Quarto Visual Editor and RStudio - A YouTube playlist of short videos tutorials for beginners to work with Quarto Visual Editor and RStudio by Andy Field.
- Quarto for amsmath LaTeX users - Notes focused on addressing issues related to using amsmath LaTeX for numbered equations and fancy math in Quarto books, specifically for HTML and PDF rendering.
- Tutorial: A step-by-step guide to parameterized reporting in R using Quarto - A walkthrough of how to use parameterized reporting with Quarto with videos.
Blog posts¶
- We don't talk about Quarto - A blog post introducing to Quarto publishing software by Alison Presmanes Hill.
- Quarto tip a day - A website made with Quarto highlighting a tip for Quarto every day as a blog post.
- Announcing Quarto, a new scientific and technical publishing system - Blog post by J.J. Allaire announcing the launch of Quarto, a new open-source scientific and technical publishing system.
- Interactive Molecular Content - A blog post showing how to embed interactive content (i.e., molecular visualisation) in webpages with Quarto using Bokeh, 3DMol.js and NGL.
- Slidecraft 101: Colors and Fonts - A blog post about "The art of putting together slides that are functional and aesthetically pleasing" using Quarto presentation format by Emil Hvitfeldt.
- Making Slides in Quarto with Reveal.js - A blog post about making slides in Quarto with Reveal.js and how to use emojis or customise the slides by Meghan Hall.
- A beginner's guide to using Observable JavaScript, R, and Python with Quarto - This article shows you how to set up a Quarto document to use Observable JavaScript, including how to pass data from R or Python to an Observable code chunk.
- Six Productivity Hacks for Quarto - A blog post showing six tips from the re-use content across documents, the insertion of Pandoc divs and spans to continuous deployment with GitHub Actions.
- How to add some personality to your Quarto Blog - A blog post sharing some of the added features and tweaks users can make on top of the standard blog templates to inject some personality into their blog.
- Use R to Generate a Quarto Blogpost - A blog post about using R to generate Quarto blog post by Tom Mock.
- Adding Subscriptions to a Quarto Site - A blog post about how to add a subscription form to your Quarto blog.
- I'm an R user: Quarto or R Markdown? - A blog post comparing Quarto and R Markdown from an R user perspective by Jumping Rivers.
- Quarto for the Python User - A blog post introducing Quarto to Python user for creating reports.
- How to publish your Quarto document/book/website as a Docker container? - A blog post describing how to publish your Quarto document/book/website as a Docker container by Mickaël Canouil.
- How to have images for both light and dark theme? - A blog post describing how to have images for both light and dark theme by Mickaël Canouil.
- Making Pretty PDFs with Quarto - A blog post showing how to customise the styling of PDF documents, and save the styling into a Quarto extension to make it easier to reuse and share.
- How to self-publish a technical book on Leanpub and Amazon using Quarto - This blog post explains which settings to use to compile an Epub for Leanpub and a print-ready PDF for Amazon's self-publishing service (KDP).
- Hello Quarto: Porting my Website from Hugo Apéro - A blog post detailing a user's experience of porting a blogdown Hugo Apéro site to Quarto, with content including design ideas, CSS tips, HTML partials, setting up redirects, and others.
- Seven Tips for Creating Quarto Reveal.js Presentations - A blog post showing few tips on how to customise Reveal.js slides with R/knitr, HTML/CSS, and Quarto native options.
Talks and videos¶
- Reproducible authoring with Quarto - 2022 Toronto Workshop on Reproducibility with Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel (slides: https://mine-cetinkaya-rundel.github.io/2022-repro-toronto/).
- Reproducible Publications with Julia and Quarto - JuliaCon 2022 with J.J. Allaire (slides: https://jjallaire.github.io/quarto-juliacon-2022).
- A Conversation about Quarto - Openscapes Community Talk: Hello Quarto!
- Tutorial: How to style your Quarto blog without knowing a lot of HTML/CSS - This is a video tutorial on styling your Quarto blog even if you lack a strong foundation of HTML/CSS.
- Workshop: Welcome to Quarto 2-hour Workshop - RStudio Meetup: Welcome to Quarto 2-hour Workshop by Tom Mock (slides: https://jthomasmock.github.io/quarto-2hr-webinar/).
- Quarto for the Curious - A Quarto overview given by Tom Mock at RStudio::conf(2022) (materials: https://thomasmock.quarto.pub/quarto-curious/).
- Hello Quarto: Share • Collaborate • Teach • Reimagine - Keynote by Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel & Julia Stewart Lowndes highlighting how they leverage Quarto in open-science at RStudio::conf(2022) (materials: https://github.com/mine-cetinkaya-rundel/hello-quarto).
- Websites & Books & Blogs, oh my! Creating Rich Content with Quarto - Talk by Devin Pastoor at RStudio::conf(2022) showing some of the formats available in Quarto and how it is easy to focus on contents while Quarto takes care of the rest.
- Literate Programming With Jupyter Notebooks and Quarto - Talk by Hamel Husain at RStudio::conf(2022) describing the integration between Nbdev and Quarto (materials: https://github.com/fastai/nbdev-demo).
- These are a few of my favorite things - Talk by Tracy Teal at RStudio::conf(2022) highlighting some of the features of Quarto presentation, such as multiple columns, speaker notes and mode, transitions, etc.
- Building a Blog with Quarto - RStudio Meetup: Building a Blog with Quarto by Isabella Velásquez (materials: https://ivelasq.quarto.pub/building-a-blog-with-quarto/).
- Beautiful Reports and Presentations with Quarto - RStudio Meetup: Beautiful Reports and Presentations with Quarto by Tom Mock (materials: https://github.com/jthomasmock/quarto-reporting).
- Introduction to Quarto - R-Ladies St. Louis: Introduction to Quarto by Isabella Velásquez (materials: https://github.com/ivelasq/2022-10-27_intro-to-quarto).
- Quarto YouTube Playlist - A YouTube playlist of videos about Quarto and Pandoc by Eli Holmes.
- Create your Data Science Portfolio with Quarto - In this video by Deepsha Menghani, learn how you can easily create a Data Science Portfolio website and deploy it instantly with the help of Quarto (materials: https://deepshamenghani.quarto.pub/portfolio-with-quarto-workshop/#/title-slide).
- A Coffee with Quarto and Neovim - A YouTube playlist showing you how to use Quarto in Neovim by Jannik Buhr.
- How to style your Quarto blog without knowing a lot of HTML/CSS? - This is a video tutorial on styling your Quarto blog even if you lack a strong foundation of HTML/CSS by Albert Rapp.
- Quarto for Academics - This video highlights some of Quarto's features that are especially useful for academics, as educators and as researchers by Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel.
- Quarto Dashboards - This video highlights the new dashboard feature arriving in Quarto 1.4 by Charles Teague.
- Parameterized Quarto reports improve understanding of soil health - posit::conf(2023) talk by Jadey Ryan provides an example workflow of creating parameterized reports with HTML and MS Word outputs (materials: https://jadeynryan.github.io/2023_posit-parameterized-quarto/).
Supported editors¶
- Emacs - Emacs mode for Quarto.
- Neovim - Neovim tools to work with Quarto.
- Sublime Text - Sublime Text plugin to work with Quarto.
- Vim - Vim plugin to work with Quarto.
- Visual Studio Code - Visual Studio Code extension for Quarto.
- Scrivener - Quarto support to Scrivener via Scrivener Template.
- RStudio - RStudio IDE by Posit PBC natively supports Quarto.
- Positron - A next-generation extensible, polyglot data science IDE built by Posit PBC.
- Julia - Julia interface package to Quarto CLI.
- Python - Python interface package to Quarto CLI.
- R - R interface package to Quarto CLI.
- ecodown - Turn R package documentation
website into a Quarto website. - Simulate colorblindness - Observable widget to simulate colorblindness for your whole document.
- quartostamp - An R package containing an RStudio Addin to insert some useful divs and classes into your Quarto
document. - ohq2quarto - A Rust-based command line utility to turn any ObservableHQ notebook into a Quarto project.
- Quartize - A Chrome extension to transform any ObservableHQ notebook into a list of downloadable
s and an in-page Quarto source document. - RStudio & VSCode snippets - RStudio & VSCode snippets to ease typesetting with Quarto.
- matrix BOT - A little bot for the matrix-network that listens for some Quarto files and returns the PDF into the matrix channel.
- babelquarto - R package to help set up, and render, multilingual Quarto books (see also babeldown).
- quartodoc - A Python module that lets you quickly generate Python package API reference documentation using Markdown and Quarto.
- altdoc - Alternative to pkgdown to document R packages.
- surveydown - A platform for making markdown-based surveys with Quarto, Shiny, and Supabase.
Continuous integration / Continuous deployment¶
- Quarto GitHub Actions - Official Quarto GitHub Actions allowing to setup, render, and deploy Quarto projects via GitHub Actions.
- Quarto Website with GitHub Actions - Publish a Quarto website automatically every time it is updated via GitHub Actions.
- Quarto Devcontainer Feature - Add Quarto CLI to your Development Containers as a feature.
- Publish a Quarto project in 6 minutes - A short video tutorial on how to publish a Quarto project to GitHub Pages with GitHub Actions without any local rendering.
- Quarto.org Extensions Listing - Quarto extensions listing from https://quarto.org.
- Awesome Quarto Extensions Listing - Quarto extensions listing from Awesome Quarto.
Real-life examples¶
Presentations formats¶
- Advanced Introduction to R (French) - See slides here.
- Streamlining with R - See slides here.
- An educator's perspective of the tidyverse - See slides here.
- An anthology of experimental designs - See slides here.
- The untold story of palmerpenguins - See slides here.
- Outrageously efficient EDA - See slides here.
- Improvements in textrecipes - See slides here.
- Quarto: Create Beautiful Documents with R, Python, Julia and Observable (Runapp 2022 talk) - See slides here.
- Iframes Gallery - A gallery of iframes that could be used in Quarto
format. - Continental-scale biodiversity data assessment using the Atlas of Living Australia - Slides for éVictorian Biodiversity Conference 2023 (See slides here).
Websites formats¶
- quarto.org - The Quarto documentation website.
- rlille.fr - The R Lille (R User Group) website using Quarto.
- R-Manuals - R Manuals rewritten with Quarto.
- Quarto tip a day - Website/blog highlighting a tip for Quarto every day.
- Documentation website from Jupyter Notebook - Quarto used to generate a website from a Jupyter notebook containing Python module documentation.
- Program Evaluation for Public Service (course) - Website for graduate-level course on program evaluation and causal inference using R, built with Quarto.
- Bioconductor Community Blog - A Quarto Blog for Bioconductor community.
- R for Social Scientists workshop - A Quarto website for a workshop which includes Quarto Reveal JS presentations embedded in it.
- AffCom Lab Website - A research lab Quarto Blog/website using custom listing pages for people and publications.
- Quantum Jitter - A Quarto website / blog with a custom theme (adapted from flatly / darkly), day / night landing page and a novel 404 page.
- Andrew Heiss's website - Andrew Heiss's website with custom EJS format, footer, 404 page, (S)CSS, and many more customisations.
- Ella Kaye's website - Ella Kaye's website with Bootstrap Grid card home page layout, CSS animation in navigation bar, and light/dark mode.
- Quering with PRQL - Docusaurus website using computations via
and multiple languages (PRQL, SQL, R, Python, etc.). - Real World Data Science - The Royal Statistical Society website, built with Quarto, features a custom design (based on the Lux Bootswatch theme), with a customised navbar and homepage layout.
- Silvia Canelón's website - Silvia Canelón's website customized to match the style of the Hugo Apéro blogdown theme.
- NASCENT-PERU website - A multi-lingual (English/Spanish) website for a scientific research project using the babelquarto package.
- rainbowR website - rainbowR is a community for LGBTQ+ folks who code in R - its website has a rainbow colour theme, custom syntax highlighting for both light and dark modes, and some fun customisations in the navbar.
- Marten Walk's website - Academic website of Marten Walk, using a custom theme inspired by the Financial Times, with modern look and many customisations (i.e., custom fonts, custom graphs, etc.).
- Skimpy documentation - Skimpy documentation made using
Book formats¶
- R for Data Science, 2E - "R for Data Science" book second edition (see https://r4ds.hadley.nz/).
- R Packages, 2E - "R Packages" book second edition (see https://r-pkgs.org/).
- mlr3book - Book on the
packages ecosystem (see https://mlr3book.mlr-org.com/). - Introduction to Data Analysis with R - Introductory course with videos and lecture scripts as a Quarto book format.
- Python for Data Analysis, 3E - "Python for Data Analysis" book third edition (see https://wesmckinney.com/book/).
Other formats¶
- @quarto-dev - GitHub organisation containing Quarto CLI, IDE plugins/extension, etc.
- @quarto-ext - GitHub organisation containing extensions developed/maintained by Quarto's team.
- @quarto-journals - GitHub organisation containing journals templates developed/maintained by Quarto's team.
- J.J. Allaire (\@jjallaire) - Member of Quarto core team (Twitter: \@fly_upside_down).
- Christophe Dervieux (\@cderv) - Member of Quarto core team (Twitter: \@chrisderv; Mastodon: \@cderv\@fosstodon.org).
- Carlos Scheidegger (\@cscheid) - Member of Quarto core team (Twitter: \@scheidegger; Mastodon: \@scheidegger\@mastodon.social).
- Charles Teague (\@dragonstyle) - Member of Quarto core team (Twitter: \@dragonstyle).
- Yihui Xie (\@yihui) - Member of Quarto core team (Twitter: \@xieyihui).
- Tom Mock (\@jthomasmock) - Customer Enablement & Quarto Product Manager (Twitter: \@thomas_mock; Mastodon: \@thomas_mock\@fosstodon.org).
- Mickaël Canouil (\@mcanouil) - Maintainer of Awesome Quarto list (Twitter: \@MickaelCanouil; Mastodon: \@MickaelCanouil\@fosstodon.org).
Who else should we be following!?
Thanks goes to these contributors!