Boilerplate Projects
Awesome boilerplates
Curated list of boilerplates and templates to enhance productivity.
Android Development¶
Boilerplates and templates for Android
- Android Bootstrap A template/bootstrap/boilerplate application that includes tons of great open source tools and frameworks.
- Android Material Drawer Template An Android template with navigation drawer for material design.
- material-design-icons-adt-template Android Studio / Eclipse ADT template for material-design-icons resources.
- AndroidKickststarter Framework kickstarts development which help you focus on coding.
- Android Annotations Fast Android Development. Easy maintainance.
- Android Cookbook Examples Collected code examples from the O'Reilly Android Cookbook.
- Android Basic Samples Mostly game oriented samples.
- Android Webview Sample App Webview Sample App
- Android Quickstart Quickstart application showing the Google Drive API for Android.
- Beginning Android Resources Android Guide.
- Universal Music Player Google sample application that shows how to implement an audio media app that works across multiple form factors and provides a consistent user experience on Android phones, tablets, Auto, Wear and Cast devices.
- Android Architecture Blueprints Demonstrates a basic Model-View-Presenter architecture and showcases various TODO app implementations.
IOS Development.¶
Boilerplates and templates for IOS
- iOS Boilerplate Boilerplate by Gimeno.
- Amaro Featureful iOS Boilerplate.
- Boilerplate-iOS Boilerplate by openaphid.
- Swift 5 Module Template Boilerplate for reusable Swift 5 modules.
Boilerplates and templates for JavaScript
- Yeoman The web's scaffolding tool for modern webapps. Includes many generators to get started.
Mega Boilerplate Fullstack boilerplate generator with support for Node.js, a static site, or an Electron app.
- Yeoman Node Generator Yeomans node generator
- Node Module boilerplate Boilerplate to kickstart creating a node module
- Express Boilerplate Boilerplate generator for Express.js Projects
- Hackathon Starter A boilerplate for Node.js web applications.
- Node/Backbone Web App Boilerplate Boilerplate for web applications with a Node, Express, MongoDB backend and Backbone Marionette, Jade, Require.js frontend.
- Nodebootstrap Unobtrusive skeleton project for Node/Express.js with pre-configured best-practices.
- Vue-Express-Mongo Boilerplate - Full stack JS web app boilerplate with Express, Mongo and VueJS)
- Node-Express-Mongoose Boilerplate - A boilerplate for building production-ready RESTful APIs using Node.js, Express, and Mongoose.
Handlebars-Express Boilerplate - JS web app boilerplate with Express and the handlebars view engine setup.
ng-boilerplate An opinionated kickstarter for AngularJS projects.
- Yeoman Angular Generator
- Angular Laravel CouchDB Angular Laravel CouchDB Boilerplate
- React Typescript npm boilerplate Powerful react typescript npm component boilerplate built with rollup.js, storybook, jest unit test, tree-shaking and airbnb eslint rules
- React Boilerplate Boilerplate for creating a React npm package
- React Boilerplate React boilerplate with React Router and webpack
- React Transform Boilerplate A new Webpack boilerplate with hot reloading React components, and error handling on module and component level.
- Library Boilerplate An opinionated boilerplate for React libraries including ESLint, Mocha, Babel, Webpack and an example powered by Webpack Dev Server and React Hot Loader
- React NPM Component Starter A minimal boilerplate for building a React component for NPM
- React Isomorphic Starterkit Isomorphic starterkit with server-side React rendering having many features
- Coffee React Quickstart Quickstart for building React single page apps using Coffeescript, Gulp, Webpack, and React-Router
- Flask React Boilerplate Flask and react Boilerplate
- Boilerplate Webpack React Boilerplate project for Reactjs with webpack, gulp and stylus
- React JS Hot loader Boilerplates React hot loader starter kits
- React Redux minimal A minimal React-Redux boilerplate with all the best practices
- React Redux Universal Hot Example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
- post3ree-boilerplate Boilerplate for a universal application using 3REE stack (React, Redux, RethinkDB, Express) + PostCSS
- hyperapp-boilerplate Boilerplate showing how to create a production-ready Hyperapp application.
- Backbone Boilerplates Backbone Boilerplates by Addy Osmani.
- Yeoman Backbone Generator Yeoman generator for Backbone.
- benm Boilerplate web app using Backbone.js, ExpressJS, node.js, MongoDB.
- Generator Jquery Boilerplate Yeoman Generator for jQuery Boilerplate.
- Polymer Starter Kit A starting point for Polymer 1.0 apps.
- Polymer Seed Element An element providing a starting point for your own reusable Polymer elements.
- Yeoman Polymer Generator Yeoman's polymer Generator
- Electron React Boilerplate A Foundation for Scalable Electron Apps
- Electron Boilerplate Boilerplate for electron-node
- WhiteStormJS - React/Redux - three.js - TypeScript boilerplate A starter kit for crafting 3D applications using modern technologies
Hybrid Mobile App Frameworks¶
- Angular Gulp Ionic Boilerplate Ionic framework boilerplate for writing apps using Gulp and EcmaScript6.
- Webstack-micro Demo/starter for full-stack web app using microservices architecture, with API Gateway, centralized authentication, background workers, and WebSockets.
Boilerplates and templates for Python - BeautyNet A research project template for PyTorch. - Django Hackathon Starter A boilerplate for Django web applications, providing various social logins and several popular API examples. - CookieCutter List of various python templates by Audrey. - bootstrapy A bootstrap Python application, so that you can focus on writing code. - Fbone Fbone (Flask bone) is a Flask (Python microframework) template/bootstrap/boilerplate application. - hasura/hello-python-flask A boilerplate Flask application which can be deployed in 3 mins, with ready-to-use database, authentication and file APIs. - Flask-Bootstrap A Flask app template with integrated SQLAlchemy, authentication, and Bootstrap frontend. - Flask Boilerplate A very simple flask boilerplate with folder structures. - Flask Foundation App built with best practices. - GoogleAppEngine Webapp2 Boilerplate A Complete boilerplate for Python Webapp2 on Google App Engine - Flask Appengine Template Flask App engine Template - Django Starter Template An easy to use project template for Django that follows best practices. - gae-init Google App Engine based on Flask, RESTful, Bootstrap and tons of other cool features. - CherryPy + Mako + Formish + OOOP boilerplate Targets publishing of OpenERP content to the web.
Boilerplates and templates for PHP
- Laravel Angular CouchDB Laravel Angular CouchDB Boilerplate
Boilerplates and templates for Ruby
- AngularJS Rails Templates Rails and Angular Tempate.
- AngularJS Sinatra Bootstrap Angular Sinatra Bootstrap template.
- Rails Composer Use Rails Composer to generate any of the example applications from the RailsApps project.
- Rails Bootstrap Starter App for Rails and Bootstrap
Boilerplates and templates for C#.NET and ASP.NET
- ASP.NET Boilerplate ASP.NET Boilerplate is a starting point for new modern web applications using best practices and most popular tools.
Boilerplates and templates for Go
- Go React JSX Boilerplate Starter code for a React + Go web application
Browser Webextensions¶
Boilerplates and templates to develop webextensions for internet browsers such as Chrome, Firefox and Safari
- Boilerplate with Webpack Using Webpack JS module manager
Boilerplates and templates for Websites - HTML5 Boilerplate Web's most popular front-end template - Meteor boilerplate Boilerplate for meteor framework. - Web Starter Kit Web starter kit by Google. - Open Designs Open Source WebDesign Templates - Open Web Design Community of designers and site owners sharing free web design templates - OSWD Platform for sharing standards-compliant free web design templates - Jekyll Starter Kit Jekyll Progressive Web App generator boilerplate. - HTML5 UP! Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 Site Templates. - Gulp front Frontend boilerplate and framework based on gulp, pug, stylus and babel - HTML Website Template Starting point for collaboratively-edited HTML websites - Nextjs Blog Starter Starter code for your blog based on Next.js framework
Templating Systems for Different IDE's
- Yasnippet A template system for Emacs.
- Vim Template Simple Vim Templates plugin.
Boilerplates and template files
- GitHub Template Guidelines Collection of guidelines and boilerplate files for writing maintanable GitHub projects.
- Pollinate Template your base files and generate them from GitHub.
Your contributions are always welcome!
To the extent possible under law, Melvin Philips has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.