Awesome lumen
Curated list of resources: books, videos, articles about using Lumen (PHP Microframework by Laravel)
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- Lumen Homepage
- Documentation - Lumen 5
- GitHub Repository
- Building a Micro Markdown API app with Lumen
- Lumen by Laravel - First tutorial
- Developing a web application with lumen and Mysql
- Getting Started with Lumen
- Building a web app with Lumen Web Api and Oauth2 Authentication
- Build an API with Lumen and Fractal
- Developing a microservice with Lumen
- Json Web token authentication for Lumen
- Creating Your First Artisan Command in Lumen 5.5
- Introducing Lumen by Taylor Otwell
- Zero to API with Lumen
- Building a Bookings API with Lumen
- Lumen 5.1 and Homestead of Laravel: Create a RESTful API
- Building APIs with Lumen by Oz Brignoni
- Lumen Restful API and Homestead
Packages and Middleware¶
- Lumen Cors - A simple lumen CORS
- Alternative Lumen Cors - CORS Middleware for Lumen micro-framework
- Phpspec Lumen - Test your Lumen app with phpspec
- Understand Lumen - Laravel Lumen service provider for
- Badge Poser - Lumen Badge Generator
- Cors Illuminate - CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) support for Laravel and Lumen
- Jwt Artisan - JWT auth for Laravel and Lumen
- Facebook SDK - Facebook SDK for Laravel and Lumen
- Lumen Generators - A collection of generators for Lumen and Laravel 5.
- Dingo API - A RESTful API package for the Laravel and Lumen frameworks.
- Lumen Tinker - An interactive shell to Lumen framework
- Lumen Maintenance Mode - Define Lumen Application Maintenance Mode
- Lumen Vendor Publish - Vendor publish command for Lumen framework.
- Lumen Make - Ports most of the make commands from Laravel to Lumen.
- Lumen File Manager - File manager module for the Lumen PHP framework.
- Lumen 5.2 HTTP Basic Auth Guard - Brings back basic authentication for Lumen 5.2.
- Larasupport - Adds Laravel Packages Support to Lumen and Other Helpers.
- REST API With Lumen - A RESTful API boilerplate for Lumen micro-framework.
- Lumen Passport - Making Laravel Passport work with Lumen.
Made With Lumen¶
- Slack Invitator - A Slack Invitator made with Lumen Framework
- Email Microservice - Microservice for sending emails with Lumen
- Lissandra - API for Laracasts Feed built with Lumen.
- Lumen Solder - An implementation of Solder in Laravel's Lumen Framework.
- Lumen Microservices Skeleton - Skeleton structure for Microservices with Docker and Lumen
- Writing APIs with Lumen
- Lumen Programming Guide: Writing PHP Microservices, REST and Web Service APIs
- Contribute some ;)
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- Make sure what you are adding is not already on the list
- Make a separate pull request for each addition
- Use the format:
* [Name]( - Description if needed
- Add it to the bottom of the section, not top or middle
- Check your spelling and grammar
- Feel free to create or improve a category
- Make sure there is no trailing whitespace
- Last, Make sure it is awesome!
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