Awesome Dropwizard
Useful resources for creating apps with Dropwizard
Please take a quick look at the contribution guidelines first.
Editor Support¶
Support for your favorite editors.
- dropwizard-tools - Eclipse Tools for Dropwizard
Open Source¶
- dropwizard-jaxws - enables building SOAP web services and clients using JAX-WS API.
- dropwizard-redirect-bundle - allows for HTTP redirects.
- dropwizard-template-config - enables you to write your config.yaml as a Freemarker template.
- dropwizard-caching-bundle - generate cache-control options for resources and caching responses.
- dropwizard-xml - Dropwizard bundle for processing and validating XMLs
- dropwizard-crypto - A Cryptographic Bundle for Dropwizard
- dropwizard-circuitbreaker - A circuit breaker design pattern for dropwizard
- dropwizard-maxmind-bundle - MaxMind GeoIP2 support for dropwizard
- dropwizard-protobuf - Support for reading and writing Google Protocol Buffer objects within Dropwizard
- dropwizard-activemq-bundle - send and receive JSON via ActiveMQ in your Dropwizard application
- dropwizard-consul - A Consul bundle for Dropwizard
- dropwizard-zipkin - A Zipkin bundle for Dropwizard
- dropwizard-graphql - A GraphQL bundle for Dropwizard
- dropwizard-money - A Money bundle for Dropwizard
- breakerbox - Frontend for Tenacity + Archaius
- tenacity - A Hystrix bundle for Dropwizard
- dropwizard-grpc - use a gRPC server in a Dropwizard service
- sqs-dropwizard - Amazon SQS integration
- dropwizard-simple-cors - A Dropwizard bundle to provide simple, sensible CORS support
- dropwizard-version-info - A Dropwizard bundle which exposes a version endpoint
Boilerplate Destruction¶
- Brahma-HibernateUtils - An annotation processor to keep track of
classes to make entity registration in dropwizard super simple.
- dropwizard-auth-ldap - LDAP authentication for Dropwizard
- dropwizard-jwt-cookie-authentication - Dropwizard bundle managing authentication through JWT cookies
- dropwizard-configurable-assets-bundle - An implementation of an AssetBundle for use in Dropwizard that allows user configuration.
- dropwizard-markdown-assets-bundle - renders Markdown files as pretty HTML
Data Stores¶
- dropwizard-etcd - A Dropwizard Bundle for Etcd
- dropwizard-mongo - Factories and health checks for connecting to mongoDB.
- dropwizard-elasticsearch - A set of classes for using Elasticsearch in a Dropwizard service
- dropwizard-service-discovery - Zookeeper service discovery bundle and client for dropwizard.
- dropwizard-cassandra - Dropwizard support for Cassandra
- dropwizard-riak - Dropwizard support for Riak
- dropwizard-orient-server - Embedded OrientDB server for dropwizard
- dropwizard-atomix - Integration with Atomix
- riemann-bundle - Simplifies dropwizard metrics integration into Riemann
- metrics - Metrics Libraries
- dropwizard-gelf - Addon bundle for Dropwizard to support logging to a GELF-enabled servers
- dropwizard-raven - Dropwizard integration for error logging to Sentry
- dropwizard-logstash-encoder - Dropwizard logging addon for sending logs using the logstash-logback-encoder
Scheduled/Recurrence Jobs¶
- dropwizard-quartz - Simple Job Scheduler implementation integrating Guice and Quartz.
- dropwizard-jobs - Quartz integration for dropwizard
- dropwizard-sundial - Scheduled jobs in Dropwizard using Sundial
- dropwizard-guice - Adds support for Guice.
- dropwizard-guicey - Dropwizard guice integration
- dropwizard-guicier - A Dropwizard bundle to handle Guice integration.
- WizToWar - Build WARs from your Dropwizard apps
- wizard-in-a-box - deploy Dropwizard apps as a war
- Serving Static Assets with DropWizard
- Hooking up Custom Jersey Servlets in Dropwizard
- Using Hibernate DAOs in DropWizard Tasks
- Heroku for Highly Available Dropwizard Apps
- Enabling Newrelic for Dropwizard
- Application Health Checks with DropWizard
- Using Hystrix with Dropwizard
- Using Dropwizard in combination with Elasticsearch
- Deploy a Dropwizard Unikernel to AWS
- Use Consul's KV store for Dropwizard settings
- Deploying Dropwizard on App Engine Flex
- Measuring the performance of your Dropwizard application
- Heroku + Gradle + Dropwizard
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.
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To the extent possible under law, Steve Agalloco has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.