Awesome Backbone.js
A list of resources for backbone.js
- Backbone.js
- Github repository
- Annotated source
- Backbone plugins
- Backbone Index - Discover new Backbone plugins and resources
- BackboneConf - Conference about building applications on the web, with a focus on the Backbone.js library
- StackOverflow - Tagged questions
- Yeoman generator for Backbone.js
Tutorials and articles¶
- A pragmatic guide to Backbone.js apps by Julio Cesar Ody
- Getting Started with Backbone by Koren Leslie Cohen
- A Complete Guide for Learning Backbone.js by Mohit Jain
- Hello Backbone.js by Artur Adib
- Backbone.js Wine Cellar Tutorial by Christophe Coenraets - Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3
- Backbone patterns by Rico Sta. Cruz
- Complex Single Page Application Architecture with Backbone.js by Gur Dotan
- Building large Backbone applications by Victor Savkin
- A Guide to Writing Backbone Apps at Coursera by Pamela Fox
- CloudEdit: A Backbone.js Tutorial with Rails by James Yu - Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3
- Our First Node.js App: Backbone on the Client and Server by Spike Brehm
- Using Backbone.js With Require.js by Greg Franko
- Backbone Model Unit Testing with Jasmine by Ken Tabor
- Backbone.js and by Jason Strimpel
- Presenter First in Backbone.js by Shawn Andersom
- Websockets for Backbone by Christopher Keefer
- Fun with CoffeeScript and Backbone.js - Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3
- Components with Backbone.js and Marionette.js by Jeremy Fairbank
- Boilerplate web app using Backbone.js, Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB by jkat98
- Backbone.js Tips And Patterns by Philip Whisenhunt
- Leveraging Deferreds in Backbone.js by Sam Breed
- Backbone.js for large scale applications - UI architecture by Oren Farhi
- Decorating A Backbone.Model With Features, For A UI Component by Derick Bailey
- Backbone.fwd: Forward Events From One Backbone Object, Through Another by Derick Bailey
- Backbone.View Patterns - Rendering A Collection by Oren Fahri
- Backbone.View Patterns - How & Why Use Subviews by Oren Fahri
- Backbone.View Patterns - The "Render" Method by Oren Fahri
- Building progressively enhanced websites using bulletproof Backbone & CSS transforms by Adrian Zumbrunnen
- Decoupling Backbone Apps From WebSockets by Derick Bailey
- Backbone.js And JavaScript Garbage Collection by Derick Bailey
- Getting familiar with Backbone.js by Pasha Craydon
- Backbone Antipatterns by Ben Teese
- Backbone.js for Absolute Beginners by Adrian Mejia - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4
- Building an App with Express and Backbone by Jack Franklin - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 and Part 8
- Backbone with ES6 by Mike Fowler
- How to share Backbone.js models with Node.js
- Backbone.js tricks or treats by Tiago Garcia
- Backbone.js organizational patterns by Ben Eddy - Part 1, Part 2
- Backbone Cleanup by Naor Yehodaey
- Lazy loading Backbone collections with Promises by Timothée Boucher
- 5 Ways to Level-Up Your Backbone.js Code by David Aragon
- Why Backbone.js and ES6 Classes Don't Mix by Ben McCormick
- Top 8 Common Backbone.js Developer Mistakes by Mahmud Ridwan
- 8 Great Backbone.js Interview Questions
- Integrating React With Backbone by Ben Lewis
- Using BackboneJS to improve your JavaScript code organization over a Ruby on Rails app by Ezequiel Rivadeneira Lichardi
- JavaScript For The Impatient: BackboneJS - Part 1, Part 2 by Corey Howell
- Building Backbone apps using Flux by Victor Doss
- Bringing Meteor’s reactive collections to Backbone by Jeff Wear
- Developing Backbone.js Applications by Addy Osmani
- Backbone Tutorials by Thomas Davis
- Building Backbone Plugins by Derick Bailey and Jerome Gravel-Niquet
- Mastering Backbone.js by Abiee Echamea
- Backbone.js Testing by Ryan Roemer
- Backbone.js Patterns and Best Practices by Swarnendu De
- Backbone.js Cookbook by Vadim Mirgorod
- Instant Backbone.js Application Development by Thomas Hunter II
- Beginning Backbone.js by James Sugrue
- Backbone.js Blueprints by Andrew Burgess
- Recipes with Backbone by Nick Gauthier and Chris Strom
- Full Stack Web Development with Backbone.js by Patrick Mulder
- Developing Single Page Apps with Backbone.js by Prateek Dayal - work in progress
- BackboneConf 2013 - Youtube playlist
- BackboneConf 2014 - Youtube playlist
- Introduction to Backbone.js - Youtube playlist by Joseph Zimmerman
- Backbone App Walkthrough - Youtube playlist by Joseph Zimmerman
- Backbone.js Tutorial - Youtube playlist by Mosh Hamedani
- Backbone-Require-Boilerplate Explained by Greg Franko
- BackboneRails Screencasts - Learn to Build Web Apps Using Backbone + Rails
- Backbone.js with Derick Bailey by Derick Bailey
- JavaScript Application Architecture with Backbone.js by Mathias Schäfer
- An Introduction to Backbone.js by Sid Maestre
- Put Some Backbone.js in your Apps by Sid Maestre
- Evolving Your JavaScript with Backbone.js by K Adam White
Examples and boilerplates¶
- Backbone Require Boilerplate - A Rad Backbone.js and Require.js Boilerplate Project
- Wine Cellar Sample Application - "Backbone Cellar" is a sample application built with Backbone.js
- Employee Directory - Employee Directory sample application built with Backbone.js and Twitter Bootstrap
- Backbone Contact Manager - Simple Backbone.js example application
- Backbone Boilerplates - Backbone.js stack boilerplates demonstrating integration with Express, Ruby, PHP, Grails and more
- Backbone TodoMVC example - Simple todo app built using Backbone and Backbone.localStorage.
- Anatomy of Backbone.js
- Advanced Backbone Patterns and Techniques
- Connected to the Backbone
- Structuring Your Web Apps via Backbone.js
- Backbone.JS In-Depth and Introduction to Testing with Mocha and Sinon
- Up and Running with Backbone.js
- Application Building Patterns with Backbone.js
- Backbone.js Fundamentals