
An awesome list about everything related to the Ethereum platform.
Ethereum is an open-source, blockchain and smart contract computing platform.
Ethereum is an open-source, blockchain and smart contract computing platform.
Pull requests are welcome! In the spirit of decentralized applications however, please ensure your submission is not a paywalled product.
Official Ethereum Documentation.
- GitHub Wiki - Ethereum wiki covering all things related to Ethereum. The go-to place for all things.
- Whitepaper - Non-technical introductory description of Ethereum.
- Yellowpaper - Technical description of Ethereum. Technically outdated, but interesting.
- OpenZeppelin - Battle-tested framework of secure, reusable smart contracts.
- Truffle Framework - Development environment for blockchain applications.
- Ganache - Personal Ethereum blockchain to run tests.
- Remix Online IDE - A useful in-browser IDE that can compile and publish smart contracts to various Ethereum networks. Includes a linter.
- Embark Framework - Framework for serverless Decentralized Applications using Ethereum, IPFS and other platforms.
- Eth Fiddle - Online editor for smart contracts.
- Hardhat - Ethereum development environment for professionals.
Step by step guides on using Ethereum.
- CryptoZombies - Learn to Code Ethereum DApps By Building Your Own Game.
- Hitchhikers Guide to Smart Contracts - Build smart contracts on Ethereum using Truffle, testrpc and Solidity.
- A 101 Noob Intro to Programming Smart Contracts on Ethereum - Smart contract tutorial with a focus on building up understanding before code.
- Parity DApp Tutorial - 10 part tutorial on how to write DApps.
- Start Ethereum DApp Development Career - Informal guide to starting developing DApps.
- Full Stack DApp Tutorial Series - Full stack DApps using various frameworks.
- Ethereum Builders Guide - Gitbook for building on Ethereum that goes deeper into understanding technical functionality.
- Learning Solidity Tutorial Series - Building smart contracts with Metamask and Remix IDE.
- End to End DApp Tutorial - Create a gambling DApp using Metamask, Truffle, Remix, React and IPFS.
- Various Ethereum & Solidity Tutorials - How to create smart contracts, deploy your own DApps, create tokens, and more — from beginner to intermediate topics.
- Solidity Documentation - Programming language of choice for smart contracts.
- Vyper Documentation - Experimental smart contract programming language intended to replace Solidity.
- Flint Documentation - Experimental contract orientated language for Ethereum.
Learning and MOOCs¶
Learn about the theory behind Ethereum.
- Ethereum Stack Exchange - Question and answers about Ethereum.
- Smart contract safety - Ethereum wiki on best practices for safety in smart contracts.
- Accounts, Transactions, Gas, and Block Gas Limits in Ethereum - Functional description of Ethereum accounts, gas and transactions.
- Ethernaut Smart Contract Capture the Flag - Practice hacking Smart Contracts.
- Ethereum Syllabus - Syllabus to learn Ethereum.
- Cryptocurrency Security: University of Illinois 2016 - Cryptocurrency Security Course.
- Stanford CS 251(p): Bitcoin and Crypto Currencies - Stanford Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Course.
- Introduction to Digital Currencies: University of Nicosia - Digital currency introductory MOOC.
- Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology: Concordia University - Introduction to Bitcoin and blockchain technology MOOC.
- Smart Contract Best Practices - Security related best practices for smart contracts.
- Low-Resource Eclipse Attacks on Ethereum’s Peer-to-Peer Network
The Ideas behind the Ethereum Project.
- Making Smart Contracts Smarter - Smart contract security attacks.
- Ethereum Wiki Philosophy - Some of the core philosophies of Ethereum.
- Ethereum Improvement Proposals - Standards for the Ethereum platform, including core protocol specifications, client APIs, and contract standards.
- Ethereum Explained (22:00) - Introductory explanation to the Ethereum platform.
- A Guide to Building Your First Decentralized Application (37:00)
- Ethereum YouTube Channel - Mostly older videos of Devcon 1 and before.
- Ethereum Foundation YouTube Channel - Most up to date events and streams including the Ethereum Devcon conferences and dev meetings.
- MetaMask - Browser extension that can interact with Remix IDE and send transactions to different testnets.
- MyEtherWallet - Online wallet service that interacts with the blockchain and performs several other useful functions.
- Mist - Official Ethereum wallet - Browse and use Ðapps on the Ethereum network.
- MyCrypto - Online wallet service that interacts with the blockchain and performs several other useful functions.
Blockchain Utilities¶
- ETH Gas Station - A tool to check the current price of gas for transactions.
- Etherscan - Ethereum block explorer with other useful block utilities.
- Ethplorer - Ethereum block explorer.
- Etherchain - Ethereum block explorer.
- Enjinx - Ethereum block explorer, that also nicely visualizes assets and tokens.
- Blockchair - Multi block explorer with nice charts.
Descriptions and implementations of Ethereum-related protocols.
- Swarm - Swarm is a distributed storage platform and content distribution service.
- Whisper - A communication protocol for DApps to communicate with each other.
- Casper - Proof of Stake Implementation.
- Casper CBC - Correct by Construction for full Proof-of-Stake.
- Code Repository - A python implementation of a class of correct-by-construction consensus protocols.
- CBC Wiki
- CBC Research Paper
- Casper FFG - Friendly Finality Gadget for PoS validation with Proof-of-Work.
- Code Repository - The FFG contract, related software and tests.
- Casper the Friendly Finality Gadget Paper - Research paper detailing FFG.
- PoS FAQs
- FFG vs CBC Comparison - A Stack Exchange comparison of FFG and CBC.
- Sharding - Partitioning computational resources so that nodes do not have to process the entire blockchain.
- Web3.js - Ethereum's JavaScript API.
- Ethash Proof of Work - Ethereum's Proof of Work Algorithm.
- zk-SNARKS - Verify knowledge of a secret without revealing it.
- Introduction to zk-SNARKS with examples - A practical overview of zk-SNARKS.
- A practical beginner's guide to creating, proving, and verifying zkSNARKs - Introduction to zk-SNARKS and implementation as a smart contract.
- zk-SNARKS: Under the Hood - Technical explanation of zk-SNARKS.
- zk-SNARKs in a nutshell - Technical explanation of zk-SNARKS.
- Practical zk-SNARKs for Ethereum - A short and practical introduction to using zk-SNARKs.
- Token Bonding Curves (TBC) - Mathematically sound price-supply relationship curves.
- Bonding Curves Explained - A thorough introduction to TBCs with code.
- Token Bonding Curves in Practice - Exploring a universal distribution of IP via non-fungible tokens and curation markets.
- Bonding Curve Playground - An interactive bonding curve webapp.
- Mastering Ethereum - A developers guide to the operation and use of Ethereum.
- Introduction to Ethereum and Solidity - Learn Solidity development from concept to deployment.
- Ethereum: Blockchains, Digital Assets, Smart Contracts, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations - Learn about Ethereum (and blockchains) from an IBM blockchain liason.
- r/Ethereum - Ethereum subreddit.
- State of the DApps - A comprehensive list of the Decentralized Applications (DApps) on Ethereum.
- ETH Gas Station - A tool to check the current price of gas for transactions.
- Week in Ethereum - A summary of everything happening in Ethereum each week.
- Ethereum Worldwide Meetups - Meet up with the local Ethereum community via
- Ethereum Wiki Page
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